June 26, 2022 The Same Power

Join us for our VBS Sunday. For our summer music series the sermon was based on Jeremy Camp's "The Same Power" which also was one of our VBS songs. Listen and learn how Jesus' power pulls us through.

June 19, 2022 Keep Me In The Moment

Join us as we continue our summer music series. This week on Father's Day we will be looking at Jeremy Camp's "Keep Me in the Moment".

June 5, 2022 Christ In Me

Pentecost Sunday. We also begin our summer music series with the sermons based on Jeremy Camp songs.

June 12, 2022 Out Of My Hands

What does it mean to fully surrender to God? Join us for our second week in our summer music series as we look at Jeremy Camp's song: Out of My Hands.

May 15, 2022 What Keeps You From Following God

During this sermon, we ask the sometimes uncomfortable question: what keeps you from following God? What excuses do you use for God? It's sometimes uncomfortable to think about, but it is important to discern.