March 6, 2022 Father Forgive Them

This week is the first Sunday of Lent. Our Lenten series will be looking at the final words of Christ. This week we look at "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

February 27, 2022 When Seeing Is Not Enough

Dr. Brian Foreman delivers our Men's Day message.

February 13, 2022 Just Keep Going

Join us as we celebrate Share His Love Sunday. How can we share God's love in the struggle and pain? We must preserve.

February 20, 2022 The Golden Calf

Join us as we look at the famous story of the Israelites and the golden calf. What is your golden calf?

February 6, 2022 The Rise and Fall of Demas

Join us today as we look at the very minor person in the Bible known as Demas. What can we learn from this man who was only mention three times in the entire Bible? Learn about his rise and fall, and how we can relate to his ultimate fall.